AriesAfter an intense and likely very demanding 2015 for Arians, 2016 starts on a somewhat neutral note. January, February, and the first decan of March seem to connect Arians’ relationships with their personal development, career, and public presence. Though not excelling in warmth and intimacy, Arians’ love life stimulates furthering their mental horizons and consolidating social standing. Romance is very present in April 2016, when Venus’ way through Aries brings sensuality, thirst for love, greater power of seduction, luck, and harmony in your couple.

The one year term that begins with September 2016 can bring Arians new love or make their relationship official. Where the relationship doesn’t fit, it could bring a separation that must be seen as a liberation, as opening the gates to new possibilities, even if it initially seems traumatizing. Going back to September: it’s the happiest month of 2016 because in Aries’ house of couple there is Venus’ transit and a beautiful Sun-Jupiter conjunction, along with the beginning of the Jupiterian year.


Taurus nl_edited-1Usually, when Jupiter transits one’s house of love, people become more romantic and more sensual, more predisposed toward falling in love. Sexual instincts amplify, interest in adventure grows, erotic feelings are more intense. And things seem to arrange themselves so opportunities to enter a relationship are more frequent, more tempting. So in 2016 Taureans are very likely to go through a special love-related experience.

Despite the strong emotions that it generates and the transforming influence it exercises over you, this stage of your life is not necessarily long-lasting or happy. That’s because Jupiter forms a square with Saturn, which means there are hard to face obstacles, and an opposition with Neptune, meaning the situation could be complicated. There’s risk of frustration or later disillusion. So 2016 is a very dynamic year for Taureans in terms of relationships, intense and full of passion, but that comes with a pretty big risk factor. Careful who you spend time with, and steer clear of confusing situations, with potential for conflict or even violence!


Gemini_edited-1With Saturn in Gemini’s house of relationships, your love or marriage might be tested. Your couple could encounter objective difficulties (related to career, home, properties or parents), your partner could seem cold, lacking understanding or be confronted with professional or health issues. If you’re in a smothering relationship or in one where commitments aren’t upheld, it could fall apart. Saturn tests the strength of the connection and wants you to better understand what you expect out of a relationship, what you desire from those around, what your partner would desire from you and what you could offer.

So, with Jupiter in Gemini’s house of love, there’s a sexuality reorganization and a more intense experiencing of pleasure in sight. You’re more relaxed and surer of yourself in matters of the heart, and if you’re single, a new love could appear at any point.


Cancer_edited-1Cancer’s house of relationships is still marked by Pluto. Pluto creates situations meant to determine you to become aware of your real desires and needs in regard to your loved one, to “clean” the field of what is wrong, false or useless, to heighten the quality of your relationship, to bring it closer to what it’s actually meant to be. If it doesn’t manage to, Pluto could destroy what’s there, in order to build something else instead, something better.

Saturn’s transit through the 6th house often forces the two partners to carry a burden: a lot of work or other responsibilities that they have to share. In some cases, it could bring a relationship with someone of lesser social or hierarchic standing. Due to Mars, Mercury, Venus, and the Sun’s transit through Cancer’s house of couple, the last trimester of 2016 is also intense and full of events. The most romantic months for Cancerians are June, July, and November.


Leo_edited-2With Saturn in Leo’s house of love and sexuality, your appetite diminishes some and your instincts aren’t as wild as they used to be. You’re not overly passionate anymore and you lack the appetite for adventure. It’s nothing serious, only a term during which emotional issues are of a more mature nature, based on trust and responsibly. You could meet someone who shares your intellectual, cultural or spiritual pursuits. The relationship might widen your horizons, you could travel with your loved one, have an affair with someone from a different cultural environment or from other geographical areas.

These predispositions could manifest throughout the year 2016, but more so during the last trimester. In 2016, the topic of parenthood takes center stage for Leos. If you don’t have children and are at the age when it’s natural to have them, you begin to think about it carefully. If you have children already, your parenting responsibilities grow, both morally and financially.


Virgo_edited-2Due to Jupiter’s presence in Virgo, the first 3 trimesters of 2016 come with high stakes when it comes to relationships. By large, Jupiter’s presence in Virgo during the first 9 months of 2016 brings luck and promises to work in your favor. By large, Jupiter’s presence in Virgo during the first 9 months of 2016 brings luck and promises to work in your favor. It brings you circumstances that lead to love, gives you the courage to make the first step or take charge of things in a situation that needs clarifying.

But there’s another side to the coin. Neptune, that is very romantic but disorganized, confused and nebulous, is in Virgo’s house of couple for the long-term. So there will be some issues as well, moments of uncertainty, stress or disagreements, obstacles that must be overcome. They tend to appear mostly in March-May and August-September 2016. But, by large, 2016 is a good year for Virgoans. And if you manage to communicate calmly and diplomatically, you can avoid most of the trouble.


Libra_edited-1Luckily, for the next 2 years it has to spend in Libra’s house of couple (2016 and 2017) Uranus will be anchored by a trine with Saturn. It’s a balancing aspect that brings some order and logic into your love life or marriage. When it comes to details, a good part of 2016 could still be sprinkled with adventure. These are most likely the topics that drive your relationship, but that can, on the contrary, be reason for misunderstandings or unpleasantness.

Complications or atypical evolutions tend to appear mostly when Mars is actually retrograde: beginning middle of April to end of June 2015. During this term it’s better not to make important decisions regarding partnerships, because you don’t have the necessary information to make a right decision and because of that later on you might change your mind or suffer consequences that you hadn’t anticipated. Basically, 2016 is a good year for Librans, and the last trimester has everything going for it so it would be a truly happy one. The best month is September.


Scorpio_edited-2With Neptune in Scorpio’s house of love, you’re in a time of your life when charming and magic love stories could occur, but also complicated, inadequate, ill-advised, impossible or disappointing. In 2016, Mars, planet of lust and sexuality, could make things worse. And since Mars is passionate, energetic, and hungry for action, you might be the one to initiate the relationship, to take the first step. But Mars is also rash, imprudent, and impulsive. Try not to push things, you might get the opposite effect of what you’re hoping for!

Venus, planet of love and ruler of Scorpio’s house of couple, particularly favors you in March, May, the last decan of September, and the first two decans of October. March and May 2016 have the most romantic potential and can bring you a lot of joy both to the soul and to the body. August 2016 seems to offer a very pleasant surprise and the best fun in two, that could be pretty expensive, though.


Sagittarius_edited-1In 2016 you’re attracted to independent people, full of life, original, and even eccentric, that must be of greater substance, depth, and responsibility beyond their exotic appearance. Also, because Saturn rules Sagittarius’ house of money, and that of intellect and communication, you obviously tend to pick (consciously or through instinct) partners that are financially stable and with whom you have mental connections and exchange ideas, impressions, and information well.

Mars’ retrograde cycle could also bring back on center stage an older love or some sort of romantic entanglement that needs clearing up. The term during which Mars is actually retrograde (April 17 – June 30 2016) could lead things in unexpected directions or even problematic ones. The most romantic and sexiest terms of 2016 for Sagittarians are January, first half of April, first 3 weeks of September, the second half of October and first half of November.


Capricorn_edited-1Capricornians’ love life won’t see any spectacular evolutions during 2016. Existing relationships progress within regular parameters. And if new relationships are to be born, it’s unlikely they’ll trigger intense passions or any turbulence. Attractions are based on deep connections and evolve naturally. In regard to love, April 6 to June 13 2016 could be a pretty special term for Capricornians, when Mercury is in retrograde cycle in Capricorn’s house of love and sexuality.

Mercury could trigger the appearance of a long-distance relationship or taking journeys of an emotional nature. It could also bring Capricornians issues with communicating, misunderstandings and mix-ups, especially toward end of May and first part of June 2016. The first two decans of May 2016 could be full of romance and sensuality, because Venus, planet of love, and the Sun, bringing energy and vitality, pass through Capricorn’s house of love.


Aquarius_edited-12016 doesn’t seem to be a special year for Aquarians in terms of love and couple. For most of the time, situations tend to proceed naturally, in a rather pleasant way. Venus, planet of love, visits Aquarius twice during 2016. These are terms full of sensuality, that make you sexier and attract favorable circumstances for beginning new relationships. If you’re already involved, things progress more harmoniously.

Usually, eclipses bring unusual events, surprises, changes. The August 18 eclipse is part of a family of eclipses that has great emotional or erotic meaning for Aquarians, but it accentuates a predisposition toward sudden and unexpected evolutions. During the time around the eclipse you might realize that some things are different than you imagined them, become aware that an older issues needs clarifying.


Pisces_edited-1In August 2015 Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, entered Pisces’ house of relationships, where it will stay during 2016 too, until September. But Jupiter’s effects in the house of relationships are different, depending on the relational predispositions from the personal chart. If those predispositions are positive, Jupiter’s transit will make them manifest themselves in the most positive way: happiness, prosperity, and luck. If the predispositions from your personal chart aren’t that good, Jupiter will still create promising circumstances for life in two, but later evolutions might not be that great.

Jupiter can make you lose sense of proportions, demand too much from your partner, offer too much, have expectations that don’t fit reality. Either way, with or without risks, Jupiter brings unique moments, during which you feel the world is yours and that everything is possible.